Saturday, July 16, 2005 +

“Sin no more”

John 8:11. See also John 5:14.

Did you mean, Do not commit adultery again? Or, Do not sin again?

“They’ll never do worth a damn as long as they’ve got two choices.”
quoted by Wendell Berry

Wong Chee Family Reunion

11:00am – 2:00pm
Hung Won Chinese Restaurant
3434 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816



Typeface: Glory


Friday, July 15, 2005 +

John Quincy Adams bis

Brother Barnabas

Pater Barnabas Stephan had another foot operation on Monday.


Three for Tienne


Abbaye de Thélème

Abbaye de Créteil

Lionel Trilling

In his essays, ideas became living souls.


Jacques Barzun

If they do not believe they can do this, who will tell them?
Teacher in America

From the Barzun File


Notes 123

Give the historian much to select from.

Participating in Truth: Moral, Historical, Personal

Much of the quality of thinking can be discerned by judging the worth of the things to which it is in relation.
—Caryl Johnston, "Truth and Reconciliation" at Traditional Catholic Reflections

See also Caryl Johnston’s Thought Diary.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 +


Typeface: Glory

See Glory.

Notes 122

Your death made good man’s sin.

Two Other Cities


Bastille Day

We went to a Bastille Day party hosted by Glenn Osborne and Karen Dietlein.

Notes 121

Actual makes possible.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 +

In the beginning


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 +


Because thou hast done this
—Genesis 3:14

Sin has consequences. To forgive another is to accept the consequences of his sin against me.

Egypt 3

Egypt 1 2 3

Monday, July 11, 2005 +

Notes 120

Truth depends on Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

Human Immortality

Someone might think of me a thousand years from now because I was mentioned in the Preface of a book.


Genesis 1:3


02005 07 11 +

Wore a black T-shirt to work today.

John Quincy Adams

Sunday, July 10, 2005 +

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33

We look for the kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21), not because the kingdom of God is within us, for we are evil (Matthew 7:11), subject to vanity (Romans 8:20), and sin lieth at the door (Genesis 4:7), but because we seek first to make ourselves good ground, watering (Isaiah 55:10) and making soft with showers (Psalm 65:11), that we may take in the seed that falls to us and bring forth fruit (Matthew 13:8,23).

dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos

the anchoress

If You’re Looking for HELLOWORLD

Egypt 2

Egypt 1 2 3