Saturday, April 23, 2005 +

Notes 96

If only life had background music, I would know better how to feel about things.

“Be not afraid”: If I could do that, I would be John Paul II’s first miracle.

It’s the little things that upset me, and the big things, and the things in between.

Friday, April 22, 2005 +

Notes 95

My brothers and sisters are praying, and I am praying.

If   “men more frequently require to be reminded than
informed,” then it may be said that secular society
provides too infrequent reminders.

People more frequently prefer to be reinforced than redirected.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 +

The Flying Wongs


Upon the Housetops


Mandala 16

Mandala 15

Mandala 14

Mandala 13

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 +

Mandala 12

Mandala 11

Mandala 10

Mandala 9

02005 04 20 +

Oliv in New York City today with her friend Mary and Mary’s Aunt Liz.

Hear Mary Murphy

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 +


See also Upon the Housetops.

Papa Benedictu XVI (Asturian)
البابا بندكتوس السادس عشر (Arabic)
Papa Benet XVI (Catalan)
Papa Benedikt XVI (Croatian)
Papež Benedikt XVI (Czech)
Pave Benedikt 16 (Danish)
Paus Benedictus XVI (Dutch)
Pope Benedict XVI (English)
Papo Benedikto la 16-a (Esperanto)
Paavsti Benedictus XVI (Estonian)
Pávi Benadikt XVI (Faroese)
Paavi Benedictus XVI (Finnish)
Pape Benoît XVI (French)
Pápa Beinidict XVI (Gaelic)
Papa Benedito XVI (Galego)
Papst Benedikt XVI (German)
Πάπας Βενέδικτος ΙΣΤ' (Greek)
Kumukauoha Penekiko XVI (Hawaiian)
האפיפיור בנדיכט השישה עשר (Hebrew)
XVI. Benedek Pápa (Hungarian)
Benedikt páfi XVI (Icelandic)
Papo Benedictus 16ma (Ido)
Paus Benediktus XVI (Indonesian)
Papa Benedetto XVI (Italian)
Paus Benedictus XVI (Limburgian)
Popiežius Benediktas XVI (Lithuanian)
Poopst Benoît XVI (Luxembourgish)
Pave Benedikt XVI (Norse)
Papież Benedykt XVI (Polish)
Papa Bento XVI (Portuguese)
Papa Benedict al XVI-lea (Romanian)
Папа Бенедикт XVI (Russian)
Pápež Benedikt XVI (Slovak)
Papež Benedikt XVI (Slovenian)
Papa Benedicto XVI (Spanish and Tagalog)
Påve Benedictus XVI (Swedish)
สมเด็จพระสันตะปาปาเบเนดิกต์ที่ 16 (Thai)
Pop Benedict XVI (Tok Pisin)
Pab Benedict XVI (Welsh)

Many of these names are from Wikipedia.

Several languages aren't included in the applet, since to display them would require special fonts:
Posted by Hello

Corrections or additions to:

Monday, April 18, 2005 +

Mandala 8

Mandala 7

Mandala 6

Mandala 5

Mandala 4

Mandala 3

Mandala 2

Mandala 1

16 Mandalas

The Grand Canal

Algerian Women