Thursday, January 13, 2005 +

Guardini: Reality Radio (1950)

From Romano Guardini, The End of the Modern World, “Possibilities of Action”, note 3:

A well-known Hamburg newspaper, Die Zeit, reported that a modern radio-dramatist, secretly, by night, lowered a microphone in front of the open bedroom window of an elderly couple who lived in the apartment below him. The North Western German Radio then broadcast the matrimonial quarrel-scene along with other microphonic “candid shots” from everyday life. Apparently, not without certain misgivings. However, these were not moral but only juridical; they vanished when the dramatist produced convincing evidence that the people on whom he had eavesdropped, and whose intimacies he had violated with his tapes, had given him permission to broadcast them—in writing.

Guardini: The New Concept of the World and of Man
Guardini: The Dissolution of the Modern World
Guardini: The Birth of the Modern World