Sunday, November 14, 2004 +

GS 008 Shepherds in the Countryside

They are watching their sheep. Suddenly an angel’s on them—God’s glory penetrates the night.

THE ANGEL. Don’t be scared: I bring you great happiness and good news for all men. Today in David’s city your Savior is born: your anointed Lord. This is your sign: you’ll find the child wrapped in cloth, lying in a trough.

A storm of angels appears in the sky, praising God and singing.

ANGELS. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth freedom to men of God’s will.

The angels vanish into the stars.

SHEPHERDS. Let’s run to Bethlehem and see what the Lord told us has happened.

They run to the village and find Mary and Joseph. A baby lies in a trough. Seeing it, the shepherds tell Mary and Joseph how the angels sang of the child. Others later scoff at the story, but Mary will remember the words and weigh them in her heart. The shepherds go back to their sheep and shout cheers and praises to God for what they saw and heard.