Tuesday, February 15, 2005 +

Notes 83

What a person does should be the most important thing in the world to that person.

If I do everything for you, then everything I do is important.

I shall not lose my reward for giving a cup of cold water to a little one.

If I do what I should do, then it is pleasant to think that others do it much better.

The Lowest Trees Have Tops

The lowest trees haue topps, the ante her gall,
The flie her spleene, the little sparke his heat:
The slender hears cast shadows, though but small,
And bees haue stinges, although they be not great;
Seas haue their sourse,and soe haue shallow springes:
And Loue is Loue, in beggers and in Kinges.
Wher waters smothest ronne, ther depest are the foords,
The diall stirrs, yet none perceiues it moove;
The firmest fayth is fowned in fewest woordes,
The turtles doe not singe, and yet they loue;
True heartes haue ears and eyes, no tongues to speake:
They heare and see, and sigh, and then they breake.
—Sir Edward Dyer (1543-1607)