Sunday, December 05, 2004 +

Carnival Lights

Based on Chartres. See also Chartres Labyrinth with Rose Window.

“Then went out to John Jerusalem, and all Judæa, and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.”
—Matthew 3, 5-6

“Men looked to His light of old, and how often do we pray lux perpetua luceat eis! Like our forefathers, we too seek for the kingdom of God, our true country, and we too know that our abode here is not permanent, and that we must set forth to seek that which is better, and salvation.&rdquo
—Bishop Ottokar Prohászka, Meditations on the Gospels, “The Darkness of Advent”

“the circle, a steep parabola, and cascading arcs”
Charles Scribner III